AmigaActive (1779/2143)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:28 May 2000 at 09:27:18
Subject:Re: CD-R Audio

Kevin Twyman said,

> Hello Neil,

>> My system reads and decodes MP3s at 6.7X. Since the burner can pause
>> between tracks, MakeCD is quite capable of burning MP3s direct with
>> the write speed set to 8X, provided you have a reasonable buffer
>> size. 15MB should be more than adequate for most tracks, which is
>> substantially less than I need for burning AACDs at 8X on the fly.

> Is this using the TEAC drive you wrote about?

Yes. It's my own drive, bought in Cologne.

> What controller? CyberStorm?

CyberStormPPC, but it's not particularly important for burning from MP3.
Any SCSI controller should do, a most of the work is in decoding the
MPEGs. For burning from a filesystem, especially when there are a lot
of small files as on the AACDs, a fast SCSI controller is essential.
Even with the CSPPC controller and a fast drive, the read speed drops to
around 3.5X during the early stages of the build.


Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine
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